Quality Time With Friends

Whether it's over drinks or on a much needed weekend retreat, getting a chance to know how everyone's REALLY doing is what friendship is all about.

Real Talk... Without the Akwardness (or the hangover 😂)

We all love getting together with friends - catching up, sharing some laughs, rehashing experiences... it can be fuel for the soul!

How's The Water? is a fun game that helps you check-in with your mates and share things that might not come up. With questions like "What's a recent little win you forgot to celebrate?", "What are you proud of?", and "What's something you're carrying around that you wish you weren't?". They're like seeds that sprout into conversations we don't always have with the people we care about.

A perfect game for after dinner, because we know our friends have our back (and we have theirs) - but knowing what's going on in each other's lives helps us be there when it matters.

From one 40-year old outdoorsman: "I thought it was going to be awkward, but it wasn't... and honestly, its changed how I interact with colleagues, family... it awakened something... everyone should give this a try."

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Reconnecting Fuels Our Fire

Guys / Girls weekends, camping trips, road trips, wine tours, and golfing getaways - they help us reconnect, recharge, and take a (much needed) break!

How's The Water? is a great game to bring everyone together and rekindle that missing spark that sent you all on the road. Bring an extra level of depth and connection while sharing memories, laughs, and some of the load that made the trip worthwhile.

We all need some escape time with our friends - make your next trip matter and create lasting memories with a game that brings everyone closer together.

From one road-tripper: "Playing How's The Water? around the fire just felt natural and helped us connect in a way we were all hoping to - it made the rest of the weekend more special"

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It's More Than Just A Club... It's About Supporting Each Other

Being part of a club or team keeps us engaged and active - it's a great way to get out and have fun!

How's The Water? can bring a new level of connection that feels like a breath of fresh air. Get to know the other members of your club or team while having some fun. Being part of your group is special - not because of the shared activity, but because you're doing it with people who matter.

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